Presidential Ponderings
Today’s job market is substantially different than it was 30 years ago, even 10 years ago. All newly created jobs since 2008 require education after high school. Bay College works with area business & industry and closely follows national employment demands, creating new certificates and degrees, and updating current programs to meet the ever-changing marketplace. Additionally, Bay...

Alumni Success: Donald Blankenship Reinvents Himself for Employment
After moving to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and realizing the need for additional technical expertise to obtain viable local employment, Donald Blankenship walked into Bay College for help. Don immediately felt welcomed and a sense of family. “I think that is an important quality in a college that helps mold our younger generations AND our non-traditional, older adults who have decided to...
Important Dates
Registration Open for Fall - Apply Today
August 16
SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising, Registration)
August 27
Fall semester starts
August 31
Last day to add fall classes
September 4
Final tuition payment due
Winter and Summer registration opens
December 14
Fall semester ends

Is College Worth It? Yes, hands down! The more you learn, the more you earn
The media is full of commentaries questioning the benefits of going to college. They often cite the experiences of students who attend big schools and graduate (or not!) with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.
Meanwhile, some claim, the starting salary of college graduates is not much higher than that of high school graduates. So what should you do? Keep reading if you want to...

Student Success: Mitch Monroe, Networking a Seamless Transfer
When I was a senior, I started dual enrolling with Bay College. All of my friends started to go to Michigan Tech and I saw that Bay offered way cheaper tuition and they had a degree that I wanted. I did two years at Bay and graduated with my Network Administration degree. I will be transferring to Northern Michigan University in the fall. All of the classes I took will transfer. Professors are...
Find More in: Information and Network Technology, Transfer
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Agriculture: A wide-open field
Did you know that Ag is over a 1-billion-dollar enterprise in Michigan?
Amy Reddinger & Jesse Traub
The Upper Peninsula is home to thousands of farms and agricultural businesses, and the biggest crops in the UP are seed potatoes and hay. While family farms are still prevalent throughout our region, there are also new, cutting-edge jobs in agriculture available.
Want to take your family...
Find More in: Agriculture and Horticulture, Robotics Technology
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Student Success: Mia Roll Puts Business at the TOP
They say Bay Is The Way and what teacher or advisor doesn’t recommend Bay College? Bay de Noc Community College has raving reviews from both teachers and students alike. After two years attending, I now understand why so many people are proud to represent the local community college, from their resources offered to students, to the endless opportunities available to those who choose to take...

Michigan is Hiring! Careers in less than 2 years…
Turbo-charge your life in two years or less
Do you need to start a career, and fast? What is the secret to getting the training employers want? The latest research shows there are lots of positions waiting for qualified applicants in Michigan and beyond.
What do many of these in-demand jobs have in common? They are innovative fields with interesting and challenging careers. And they require...

Heathcare: Profession with a heart, high pay, high job satisfaction Priceless service to others
The Healthcare profession: a priceless lifesaving service to others
Are you a “people person” with a big heart? Healthcare workers at all levels are in demand everywhere. Not only are these jobs available now, employment projections for the healing professions continue to increase and change as baby boomers age over the next decade. The $2.8 trillion healthcare industry in the United...
Find More in: Healthcare and Medical
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Student Success: Susie Carpiaux-Larson’s Passion for Nursing
There are many stages of life we all muddle through: school age, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood. Typically, in the latter, one finds their children are grown, they have settled into a career focusing on retirement, and are looking forward to having more time to devote to leisure activities, travel or new hobbies. On rare occasions; however, one finds themselves reinventing who they...
Find More in: Healthcare and Medical
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