Over the last few years, online learning has increasingly become a popular avenue for students pursuing an education at Bay College. In keeping with that increase, the Online Learning department at Bay has bulked up its support for students, recognizing that providing technical support is critical for student success.
To address this need, the Online Learning department has put into place a defined three tier support structure for dealing with technical issues and student concerns. This structure begins with our student workers. Our student workers are experienced online students who have a developed understanding of troubleshooting online technology. If you need assistance, they are currently located in the Joseph Heirman University Center on the main campus at Escanaba. They can also be reached by phone at (906)217-4270, or by email at [email protected]. Please ask them questions if you have them. They are a great resource, especially for those students who want to ask a quick technical question.
Jonathan Coons is the next tier in the Online Learning support structure for students. His position at Bay is as an Online Learning Information Technologist. He works directly with students and faculty to troubleshoot technical issues related to Blackboard and MyBay platforms. If the student workers are unable to address your concern, the issue progresses to Jonathan. If you feel that you need this next level of support, Jonathan can be contacted by phone at (906)217-4255, or by email at [email protected]. Jonathan’s office is located in the administration portion of the Catherine Bonifas building.
Joseph Mold is the Director of Online Learning at Bay College and is at the top tier of online support. If Jonathan cannot help you, bring your issue to Joseph. Joseph can be contacted by phone at (906)217-4246, or by email at [email protected]. Joseph’s office is also located in the administration portion of the Catherine Bonifas building.
In addition to the Online Learning support tier structure, Bay College is now conducting an Online Tutoring Pilot to provide tutoring services in selected online courses to students. This service, along with the TRiO Online Writing Lab, has helped to revolutionize online support at Bay. Students now have the option to receive educational support online, at their leisure, rather than only at Bay College in Escanaba, or Bay College West in Iron Mountain.
The need for online support continues to grow. Bay College focuses on student success. Dedicated resources are available for online students at Bay College. Please contact the online learning support center if you need assistance. Our goal is to help students be successful.
Jonathan Coons
Online Learning Technologist