For many students, starting at a community college before transferring to a four-year college or university just makes sense. At Bay College, students can explore their career options, hone their skills, and build their college confidence, all while saving money at a school that is close to home.
Students who begin at Bay experience a high-quality education at a lower cost, and Bay credits transfer to universities all over the country. “Students at a smaller community college like Bay do not get lost in the shuffle,” said Beth Noreus, director of transfer and student advising. “On a smaller campus, students find that faculty and advisors are more approachable, and navigating the college system is easier. Many of our courses are designed to transfer and our faculty and academic advisors know where the best four-year programs are located. Let Bay College’s faculty and advisors inspire you to do
your best!”
Tyler Meyer is a student who knows what it is like to transfer credits for his degree: “I worked for a few months after high school and then enrolled in Saginaw Valley State University. After a semester, I transferred to Ferris State University. Still not knowing what I wanted to do and not wanting to incur a lot of debt, I decided to take a job with a landscaping construction company. When the company I worked for closed, I decided to enroll at Bay College and earn my associate degree in Water Resource Management. Since then, I have earned 2 degrees from Bay and am now attending Lake Superior State University. It was great how well my credits transferred into my Chemistry and Environmental Science programs.”
Articulations and transfer guides make transfer seamless
Bay College has articulation agreements with several public and private universities.
Articulation agreements and transfer guides provide great tools in selecting appropriate courses that satisfy not only a Bay College degree, but also make your Bay courses transfer seamlessly into a four year degree.
For over 25 years, Bay College has had a special relationship with Lake Superior State University whereby students can take up to 3 years of course work at Bay and complete the final year at Lake Superior State University’s Escanaba Regional Center. “LSSU’s Escanaba Regional Center allowed me to attain my goals while working full time,” stated Ruth Germain. “If the regional center was not here I would not have a bachelor’s degree today.” Students can complete bachelor degrees in
• Accounting,
• Business Administration,
• Criminal Justice,
• Early Childhood Education and
• Nursing
right on Bay’s campus. Christopher Bonzyk a current LSSU Escanaba Regional Center student says: “While completing my Associate’s Degree in Business Administration, I learned that I could achieve my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management at Lake Superior State University through Bay’s Regional Center. Being able to stay at home, I have been able to work, go to school, and actively participate in the area’s theatre program. Did I consider other schools? Of course I did! With a schedule that allows me to do the things I enjoy the most, Bay/LSSU just made sense.”
Beth Noreus
Transfer Advisor
Transfer is easier than ever, but it does take some planning. Follow these steps for a smooth transition:
Declare a Major
Bay College has Associate in Art (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees designed for the transfer student.
Know Requirements
Take the time to learn the requirements of the transfer university and your program of study by searching their websites. Helpful websites for Michigan colleges or universities:
www.macrao.org and
Visit Institution
Get to know your transfer institution. Visit the campus and talk to academic and financial aid advisors.
Be Prepared
When it comes to your education, be prepared to ask the right questions and research your options early in your educational plan. Transfer checklists: http://www.baycollege.edu/Students/Transfer-Information.aspx
Need to transfer before earning your degree at Bay College?
Reverse transfer credit may be an option for you. Bay College has signed an agreement with LSSU, NMU, MTU and Finlandia University where you can transfer early and have your university credits applied to your Bay College transcript to earn your associate degree. Many other colleges and universities also are following suit.
“It was my intention to finish my Associates Degree in Pre-Engineering before I left Bay College to go to Michigan Tech. But, it ended up I only had enough classes for one more semester” indicated former Bay student, Brent Chaillier . “Most of my classmates at Bay College where heading up to Michigan Tech in the Fall and I didn’t want to have to transfer in the middle of the school year so I ended up transferring from Bay College before I could finish my degree at Bay. I knew it wouldn’t be a problem because I could finish up the classes needed for the degree at Michigan Tech and reverse transfer them back to Bay College. It took two years at Michigan Tech to fit in those classes to finish my Bay degree but when Michigan Tech posted the grades Bay College accepted them and awarded me with my Associates Degree in Pre-Engineering.”
Reverse transfer has become a viable option for students who needed to transfer before earning their degree at Bay. This summer Bay awarded degrees to former students now attending LSSU, MTU and Trinity University. As Megan Menke explains, “Prior to transferring from Bay my plan was to achieve my associates, but it worked out for me to transfer to my major institution sooner than my original plans. However, after completing more classes at Trinity University in Chicago, I was able to transfer credits back to Bay and achieve my AA while still attending my major university.”
Simple, easy and get credit where it is due!