Are you feeling stagnate in your current job? Do you want to learn a new computer skill to keep up with the grandkids? Would improving your skill level allow you to advance, find a new job, earn a raise, or speak to your personal satisfaction level? The opportunities at Bay College may be the ticket to a new and improved you! Bay College offers many courses to enrich your life; some earn college credit, and some do not. Either way, there is no denying that improving your skills at any age can enhance your life.
Courses that earn college credit are offered on Bay College’s Escanaba and West Campuses. The following are eligible for financial aid and allow students to earn college credits. It is not necessary to enroll in a whole college program to be eligible to take advantage of these exciting course offerings. Some examples of courses are listed below:
ACCT 100-Practical Accounting
A course for non-accounting majors to familiarize students with small business accounting, or for students desiring a practical knowledge of the principals of accounting.
ARTS 115-Drawing I
A two-dimensional course for a student interested in drawing. Emphasis is placed on developing a process of drawing.
ARTS-117-Digital Photography I
Learn to communicate through the medium of photography. Learn editing techniques to convey ideas and vision in an artistic way.
CIS 101-Computer Concepts and Applications
An introductory course designed to aid the student in better understanding the function of the computer for personal and professional use.
COMM 104-Public Speaking
Students receive training in speech-making, with an emphasis on preparation, delivery, and evaluation.
FYE 101-First Year Experience
Students learn about goal setting, self-motivation, time-management, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, collaboration, and personal responsibility—all important skills for success in college AND in life.
PHED 144-Effective Stress Management
Develop an understanding of stress and its impact on your health and well-being. Learn strategies and techniques to proactively manage your level of stress.
More course choices and descriptions are available at www.baycollege.edu Courses are offered Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. The college website offers the most current and up-to-date information.
Non-college credit courses
Non-college credit courses are a means to gaining new skills without the time commitment of a full semester, and offer students the opportunity to work at a pace that fits their schedules. The Michigan Technical Education Center (M-TEC) at Bay College offers tons of learning opportunities in house and through the ed2go network. Ed2go courses can be taken through the comfort of your home or office at times that are convenient for you, the learner. Each course runs six weeks and is composed of 12 lessons. Classes begin each month. Students are awarded a “Certificate of Completion” upon the conclusion of each course. Some examples include:
Intro to Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint/or Access (four separate courses)
Each of these courses teaches the learner to effectively get the most out of these programs, learning all the tricks and tips necessary to be fluent in these computer programs.
Purchasing Fundamentals
A business course designed to improve a company’s bottom line through mastering the fundamentals of purchasing.
Managing Customer Service
Learn to understand, identify, and meet your customer’s needs.
Fundamentals of Supervision and Management I & II (two separate courses)
Learn people skills required to motivate and delegate, and tools for solving problems and resolving conflicts. Master the basics of communication and develop your own interpersonal skills.
Marketing Your Business on
the Internet
Develop an internet marketing plan for your business.
Performing Payroll in Quickbooks
Learn to create paychecks, pay tax liabilities, and produce dazzling payroll reports.
Creating Web Pages
Learn the basics of HTML so you can design, create, and post your very own site on the Web.
Shorter and less expensive opportunities exist as well, including the following:
Internet Tools & Tips for Adult Learner
Learn how to search the internet more effectively and zero-in on what you are really searching for. This 4-hour workshop will also cover viruses and spyware and provide you with tips on how to avoid them.
Basic E-mail for the Adult Learner
This hands on 4-hour workshop will introduce you to the basics of e-mail, including setting up your e-mail box, sending and receiving emails, and adding attachments such as pictures and documents. This workshop is great for the beginner!
Many more learning opportunities are available through the M-TEC. Contact M-TEC at 906-217-4200 or through e-mail at [email protected] for more information.
Whatever your goal or learning needs are, Bay College has choices to help you
enhance your skills and improve your life!