Author Archives for baycreate

President’s Message: Can You Afford College?
May 4, 2015 6:01 pm Comments Off on President’s Message: Can You Afford College?Can you afford not to attend college is another way of framing this question. More education will bring you a bigger paycheck! The College Board’s analysis of US Census Bureau data indicates people make $5000 more a year with some college education as opposed to having just a high school diploma. With an associate’s degree… read more

Dual Enrollment: High School Student’s Ticket to Early College Credits
May 3, 2013 7:18 pm Comments Off on Dual Enrollment: High School Student’s Ticket to Early College CreditsThe Michigan Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, commonly known as Dual Enrollment, provides high school students with the opportunity to enroll in college courses when certain criteria are met. Michigan legislature allows high schools to assist students in participating in college level course work, and may pay for the college tuition and fees out of the… read more

Matthew Laurin: Marketing/Small Business Student
May 3, 2013 7:47 pm Comments Off on Matthew Laurin: Marketing/Small Business StudentI am Matthew Laurin, a student in the final semester of my AAS degree for Marketing/Small Business here at Bay De Noc Community College. When I first started my education at Bay College, I anticipated a long road of pain and agony. The wonderful staff here have opened my mind and filled it with knowledge… read more

Enrich Your Skills, Enrich Your Life!
May 3, 2013 7:48 pm Comments Off on Enrich Your Skills, Enrich Your Life!Are you feeling stagnate in your current job? Do you want to learn a new computer skill to keep up with the grandkids? Would improving your skill level allow you to advance, find a new job, earn a raise, or speak to your personal satisfaction level? The opportunities at Bay College may be the ticket… read more

Mike Ansell Bay College Alumni
May 3, 2013 7:52 pm Comments Off on Mike Ansell Bay College AlumniMost children don’t set goals at a young age to attend college, have a career or even get married and start a family. That is left up to the parents and grandparents to dream about during the early years. Although, every now and then you hear children say, “When I grow up I want to… read more

How Does a Person Choose a Career?
May 3, 2013 8:03 pm Comments Off on How Does a Person Choose a Career?How does one choose a career that will bring lifelong satisfaction and room for growth down the road? The answer is “patiently and thoughtfully.” Often, as students, we are rushed to choose a major or a career path because people around us want to hear that we have goals. As a Career Counselor, I meet… read more